Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This page is all about Peru. The food, the animals, the places and random facts. Peru is a South American country that borders the coast.

This is the Peruvian flag.

Peru-Un poco de todo

Un poco de todo means a little bit of everything in Spanish.

Peruvian wildlife is amazing. They have everything from huge anacondas to beautiful leopards In the tropics.

Leopards are quick, agile cats that are about the size of a St.Bernard. They are very strong and are excellent climbers. They kill with their massive jaws and huge claws.

Anacondas are called constrictors. They still Have teeth(and pretty big ones at that.) but because they are constrictors, they have no venom. They are called constrictors because they use their large, muscled body to wrap around a creature's neck, strangle them and eat them whole. Sometimes, anacondas even eat mammals as large as deer! Not very fun looking.

(Based on 2008 results unless specifically noted.)

Peru produces Oil, natural gas, copper, gold, zinc, coffee, potatoes, asparagus, textiles (cloth products), and fish meal. Peru produces about 110,800 bbl of oil per day. They export 33.27 billion f.o.b. per day. They trade with the US, China, Canada, Japan, Chile, Switzerland, and Spain. (based on 2007 results.) Peru is 32.14 billion dollars in debt.

Gold,Zinc, and POTATOES!

Recent Peruvian Events 2010

There has recently been a huge flood in Peru. The flooding that started in late January damaged highways, bridges, houses and businesses; killed several people; and cut access to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, one of the major centers of Peruvian tourism. Many of the crop Fields were destroyed by the heavier-than-normal rains. The rains also killed thousands of livestock, such as alpacas (their fur is sometimes used in cashmere) and sheep (which produce wool). Up to 4,000 tourists have been safely shuttled out of the ruin and government officials insist that no damage has been done to the ancient ruin "We want to say that the citadel of Machu Picchu is in perfect shape. The Incas knew how to build and the drainage system is impressive," Trade and Tourism Minister Martin Perez.

Read all about it-

Here are some videos-



Peru Lugares Importantes

Lugares Importantes means important places.

Machu Picchu was made between 1460 and 1470 A.D. It is located high in the Andes mountains in Peru. Machu Picchu means "old peak". It was most likely a royal estate and religious retreat. It was built by an Incan ruler named Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui. It is made of approximately 200 buildings, and most of them were residences. About 1,200 people lived in and around Machu Picchu

Mas Para Machu Picchu-
The city of Cuzco Peru was the ancient capital of the Incan Empire. The ruins of Machu Picchu were re-discovered in 1911 by Yale archaeologist Hiram Bingham and is considered one of the most important and beautiful sites from the ancient world. Machu Picchu is the seventh wonder of the world. It is invisible from below and is completely self-contained. Surrounding it were farming terraces that provided enough food to feed the whole population. It also has natural springs near it.Machu Picchu was supposedly used as a religious site. Made of granite, these 200 rooms are in amazing condition. Little is known of the actual use of Machu Picchu but one of its primary functions was that of astronomical observatory.

Llama at Machu Picchu!!!


Comida means food

Ceviche is one of the most famous Peruvian foods. Ceveche is made of fish, citrus, onions, tomatoes, chili, salt, oregano, Tabasco, cilantro, avocado and tortilla chips.

Find the recipe at http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/ceviche/

Another famous Peruvian recipe is called the Tacu-Tacu. Tacu-Tacus have beans, Pork, rice, onions, garlic, and various spices. find the recipe at http://www.theperuguide.com/gastronomy/peruvian_cuisine_recipes/tacu_tacu.html
For my class, I made tacu tacu. It was really good. But since Peru is such a poor country, they put whatever they have in it. That is why they have so many recipes. Mine is at http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee270/celebritybodygossip/DietRecipesBlog/peruvian-tacu-tacu-recipe.jpg&imgrefurl=http://dietrecipesblog.com/2008/11/13/peruvian-tacu-tacu-recipe-195-calories/&usg=__v8n2f5_gxwklXFfb8Dl1DhbrQ6M=&h=375&w=500&sz=197&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=UPa4xJzQPTZI1M:&tbnh=98&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtacu-tacu%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 Long web name!

This is called escabeche of corvina. It has fish, onion, lemon juice, celery, cilantro, and peppers.
It is a fairly well-known Peruvian dish. Plus It looks delicious. Find the recipe at http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/4192/recipes.html.


Gobierno means government

TThis is Peruvian president Alan Garcia. Peru is a Constitutional Republic. A constitutional republic is when the people elect someone to represent them. That person votes on certain things for them. A democracy is when each person votes on their own.

Until 1945 Peru had a dictator he was the dictator for 20 years. The first president after the 20 year dictatorship of Peru was Jose Luis Bastamente. But he was only the president for 3 years. The next president was General Manuel M. Odria. The current president Alan Garcia was inaugurated when he was 57 after his previous five years as president.